End of Term Arrangements
The Department for Education has just published a statement around end of term arrangements for schools. The statement confirms that schools will remain contactable for 6 days after the final day of teaching, so they can assist with contact tracing where necessary. This will allow enough time for positive coronavirus (COVID-19) cases to be identified and confirmed by a test and for relevant contacts in the education setting to be traced.
The Department of Education has such confirmed that schools may wish to adjust their term dates to make Friday 18th December an INSET day, as part of the track and trace arrangements leading up to the festive period.
As always we are following the health and safety guidelines set out by the DFE to support our staff and your children and also ensuring that school staff get the time off that they need and deserve.
The health and wellbeing of our pupils and staff is our top priority, and, as such, we have agreed that for Eyres Monsell Primary and Rolleston Primary, Friday 18th December will become a non-teaching day.
This will mean that pupils should not attend school on this day.
Reporting positive cases of coronavirus for the first 6 days following the end of term (Friday 18th December - Wednesday 23rd December), parents should inform us if their child tests positive for coronavirus by emailing the school via the link below:
Where pupils are required to self-isolate due to contact with a positive case after the first 6 days following the end of term (i.e. after Wednesday 23rd December), schools do not need to be informed about their absence until the first day of the new term.
Rolleston Primary School re-opens on Tuesday 5th January 2021.
Thank you for your continued understanding in these difficult times.