As a school, we are continually updating our safeguarding CPD.
Areas covered this academic year include:
- Knowledge checkers - ensuring we know and understand our role in safeguarding expectations
- PREVENT training by the LA
- Evolve visit leader training
- Online safety training
- Trauma and attachment
- Working Together To Safeguard Children update
- Governor safeguarding training
We have also updated our knowledge on:
- child on child abuse
- homelessness
- neglect
- poverty
- sexual abuse
Our DSL attends the Local Authority DSL training, where we are given the most recent safeguarding developments.
What do the staff at Rolleston think about the training on offer?
- “I really enjoy the training that we have in school and find it very informative. I feel more confident when I'm working with the children and feel confident I will know what to do in any given situation.”
- “I would take more training on any of the above if offered but feel that we are provided with the correct amount of training on all of the above.”
- “Information sharing from LS/DH at Phase Meetings on different subjects eg. Young Carers has been really useful and has led to increased awareness and valuable discussions within my team - please can these sessions continue!”
- “I selected all of the above for the revisiting training as I think it is important to keep having refreshers on all aspects of safeguarding... which we do anyway!”
- “I think we are very robust and good at ensuring we keep up to date.”
- “I said all for the above because it never hurts to have a refresh.”
- “I like the yearly refresher courses, and continued support throughout the year.”
- “Always feel supported by DSL Lead”