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Sport Premium / Swimming



What is the PE and Sports Premium?

The government provides additional funding for maintained schools and academies to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport.


At Rolleston Primary School, we greatly value the contribution of PE to the health and well-being of our children.

We believe that a well planned PE curriculum, strong teaching and extra-curricular opportunities support our children in being healthy and promotes the enjoyment of physical excersise as well as having a positive influence on the concentration, attitude and academic achievement of all our children.


The school has now greatly strengthened its provision in specialist PE staff through employing an advanced skilled PE teacher and a full time sports coach to meet the priority needs identified through previous Sports Premium Impact reports.

The school has also improved its internet and wifi infrastructure to allow ICT to be used in the sports hall and across all the outside playing fields







Each school audited on their swimming activity achieves a grade depending upon the results of the audit.

Please see our 'Sports Premium Action Plan' for details


Some of our pupils tried their hand at a new sport, fencing!

Dance lessons and CPD for staff in Year 1

As a result of the amazing success of Team GB, Rolleston have tried out New Age Kurling.

New Age Kurling competition

Team Building

Sportshall Athletics competition

Rolleston Playground Leaders

We are an Ambassador School for Teach Active

Move It March - have the children of Rolleston embraced the challenge?

Join us to find out how Rolleston children are getting on with the challenge from Leicester City SSPAN - Move it March!Music/video from Mission Impossible films

Move It March - have the Rolleston adults embraced the challenge?

Join us to find out how Rolleston are getting on with the challenge from Leicester City SSPAN - Move it March!Music/video from Mission Impossible films

Rolleston takes on the Leicester City SSPAN Move It March Challenge!

Find out about Move It March and how Rolleston staff are taking part. Stay tuned until the end to see a special dance from Mr Brownbill and Mr Stainton!Music...

PE Challenges

Move it March

Recent awards for P.E. and Sport






"A huge congratulations to Rolleston for their great teamwork and enthusiasm and therefore were awarded the spirit of the games award"

SPAN - Leicester Schools Partnership (2019)

Spirit of the games - Boccia and New Age Kurling SEND

The Sainsburys School Games Award -

Virtual Award (due to lockdown)

Click on the link below to go to the PE at Rolleston page


At Rolleston we are committed to safeguarding our children

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