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Family support

Get Up and Go Summer 2024

EMCYP Summer Activities

Triple P teenagers Parenting course

We have our own family room in school where you can go for a chat with Lynne (family support), Lynne is in School Monday - Thursday and can offer support around children's behaviour, morning and bedtime routines and sign posting to other services. You can contact Lynne by calling the school office on 01162782300 or via email 


Please find details of our February half term food offer. 


The city council is again working with Samworth Brothers to support families with food over the February half term.  There will be six pop up venues across the city that will give parents of free school meal children and those needing additional support, the opportunity to collect food for the half term.


Please share the information sheet and the website link Half term food offer - Leicester City Council with your targeted families that meet the criteria below:


  • receive benefits-related free school meals
  • who are in full time school (4 to 16 years)
  • live in Leicester City or attend a city school if they live outside of Leicester
  • those families needing additional support i.e. vulnerable children


NOTE: Some parents may not be able to use the embedded link in the information sheet through their mobile phones, please ensure both links are shared.


Parents need to register for a venue by Sunday 28 January, using the online form found within the information sheet.   The registration window closes early to allow Samworth Brothers enough time to arrange supplies for the events. 


Places at the pop up pantries are limited and will be offered on a first come first served basis.


Food vouchers will not be issued for free school meal children this half term.


Food Parcels/Groceries from EMCYP, 170 Whitteney Drive South, Eyres Monsell, LE2 9AQ

To access food parcels /groceries at reduced prices and free food bags 

put Eyres Monsell CYP into the search box on Face book and it will take you to their page where there is a link for you to join the Pantry Membership : £10 a year or £2:50 a quarter will give you first priority to food parcels and an additional £2:50 will give you exclusive access to their food pantry which sells items for less than half the retail price . They also offer freebies which can be collected when advertised.

 Lynne Spencer   Family Support Worker

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