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School Clubs

Days and Timings


Monday - Thursday are available 3:15 - 4:15pm

These are available to years 1 - 6 and need to be paid for in advance.

Please call the office for more information and book via the schoolgateway app


Breakfast Club


Aims of Breakfast Club

  • To support working parents by providing an affordable childcare facility.
  • Be consistent and reliable to enable parents to have confidence and peace of mind whilst their child is at Breakfast Club.
  • To provide a happy, welcoming place at the start of the school day where all children are valued.
  • To help children be healthy by providing a nutritious and filing breakfast, preparing them for the school day.
  • To encourage all areas of the children’s development through play by offering a varied and stimulating range of play opportunities.
  • To ensure the safety and welfare of each child by following the appropriate school policies.


Opening Times (Term time only, excluding INSET days)

Monday – Friday, 8.00am to 8.40am. Last admission is 8.15am. At the end of Breakfast Club, children will be escorted to their classrooms.


Admission to Breakfast Club

The club is fully inclusive for all children in Foundation 2 to Year 6. There are 65 spaces available and are allocated on a first come, first serve basis.


Booking and Payment Procedure

Breakfast Club fees £2.00 per (£1.00 per day for Pupil Premium children). As Breakfast Club is heavily subsidised by the school, we are not able to offer credit. All fees must be paid in advance unless otherwise agreed with the Head teacher via Schoolcomms. To attend Breakfast Club, parents must complete a registration form for each child. Once this form has been received, a child can attend the club the next school day.


All children must register daily from 8.00am – 8.15am so we are able to keep an accurate record of attendance for health and safety and payment purposes.


If a child attends a session without paying, the school will contact parents requesting the debt is settled before their child returns to the club. Failure to make payment may result in a Child’s Breakfast Club place being withdrawn.





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