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RSHE: Overview and Knowledge Organisers

RSHE Knowledge Organisers


 Thank you to all of our parents who attended the RSE presentation 

Please see our RSE policy on our 'Policies' page


Relationships, Sex and Health Education


We define ‘relationships and sex education’ as ‘enabling children to embrace the challenges of creating a happy and successful adult life.


We believe relationships, sex and health education is important for our pupils and our school because:

  • It is giving children the knowledge that will enable them to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships and to build their self- efficacy.
  • It is about giving children the opportunity to put knowledge into practice as they develop the capacity to make sound decisions when facing risks, challenges and complex contexts.
  • It is the recognition that everyone faces difficult situations in their lives and how relationship and sex education can support young people to develop resilience, to know how and when to ask for help, and to know where to access support



We view the partnership of home and school as vital in providing the context to both complement and reinforce what pupils learn at home about healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships, in all contexts, including online, as well as how to be healthy.


Our school’s overarching aims for our pupils are:

  • to foster pupil wellbeing and develop resilience and character that we know are fundamental to pupils being happy, successful and productive members of society.
  • to know how to be safe, including online
  • to be healthy both mentally and physically healthy
  • to be able to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way
  • to demonstrate personal attributes including kindness, integrity, generosity, honesty, respect and tolerance in order to contribute to adult life in British Society


We ensure RSHE is inclusive and meets the needs of all our pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND.). This will be achieved by ensuring content and teaching is differentiated to meet the specific needs of pupils at different developmental stages. As with all teaching for these subjects, we will ensure that their teaching is sensitive, age-appropriate, and developmentally appropriate and delivered with reference to the law


We will ensure that the needs of all pupils are appropriately met, and that all pupils understand the importance of equality and respect. As a school we will ensure we comply with the relevant provisions of the Equality Act 2010, recognising under which sexual orientation and gender reassignment are amongst the protected characteristics. We ensure RSHE fosters gender equality and LGBT+ equality by ensuring content is age appropriate and developmentally appropriate. It will be taught sensitively and inclusively, with respect to the backgrounds and beliefs of pupils and parents while always with the aim of providing pupils with the knowledge they need of the law. Content will be integrated into programmes of study for RSHE within our PSHE curriculum and will not be taught as stand-alone units.


The intended outcomes of our programme are that pupils will:

  • know and understand the characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and with adults.
  • understand they have a right to personal space and boundaries, showing respect and understanding the differences between appropriate and inappropriate or unsafe physical touch. Recognise and know how to report abuse, including emotional, physical and sexual abuse
  • understand they have a responsibility to treat each other with kindness, consideration and respect including when on line, permission seek and give and understand the concept of privacy
  • develop the skills of being able to express their emotions and seek help where needed, to build friendship and recognise how this can support mental well being
  • develop the personal attributes of honesty, integrity, courage, humility, kindness, generosity, trustworthiness and sense of justice, and character traits such as perseverance, working towards long term goals, dealing with setbacks, resilience permission seeking and giving, and the concept of personal privacy
  • understand how the Equality Act 2010 relates to them as a child and through adult life, to recognise and challenge any form of discrimination

Our relationship and sex education provision and will cover:



Health and mental well being

Other foci Living in the Wider World – Beyond DFE


Families and people who care for me

Caring friendship Respectful friendships Online Relationships Being Safe

Mental Well-being Internet Safety and Harm Physical health and fitness Healthy Eating

Drug, alcohol and tobacco Health and prevention Basic First Aid

Changing Adolescent Body


Economic Well-being Enterprise


The overriding concepts explored through the curriculum are:

    • Identity (their personal qualities, attitudes, skills, attributes and achievements and what influences these; understanding and maintaining boundaries around their personal privacy, including online)
      • Relationships (including different types and in different settings, including online
        • A healthy (including physically, emotionally and socially), balanced lifestyle (including within relationships, work-life, exercise and rest, spending and saving and lifestyle choices)
        • Risk (identification, assessment and how to manage risk, rather than simply the avoidance of risk for self and others) and safety (including behaviour and strategies to employ in different settings, including online in an increasingly connected world
        • Diversity and equality (in all its forms, with due regard to the protected
        • characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010
          • Rights (including the notion of universal human rights), responsibilities (including fairness and justice) and consent (in different contexts)
          • Change (as something to be managed) and resilience (the skills, strategies and ‘inner resources’ we can draw on when faced with challenging change or circumstance)
          • Power (how it is used and encountered in a variety of contexts including online; how it manifests through behaviours including bullying, persuasion, coercion and how it can be challenged or managed through negotiation and ‘win-win’ outcomes)
          • Career (including enterprise, employability and economic understanding)



We understand the importance of ensuring that all children in our school receive their entitlement to RSHE. We will carefully consider special educational needs or disability, gender, sexual orientation and age, nationality, religion, cultural and linguistic background when planning and delivering RSHE.

In relation to nationality, sexual orientation, religion and cultural diversity, we value the different backgrounds of our pupils and, in addressing different views and beliefs, seek to promote tolerance and understanding.


In order to ensure the RSHE Curriculum meets the needs of all:

    • We will accept and celebrate difference.
    • We will encourage respect and discourage abuse and exploitation.
    • We will not ask children to represent the views of a particular religious or cultural group to their peers, unless they choose to do so.



At Rolleston we are committed to safeguarding our children

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