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How do we support social, emotional and mental health development?

Each child has a class teacher who is responsible for their well-being.


Our Behaviour Policy, which includes guidance on expectations, rewards and sanctions is understood and adhered to by all staff.


We have a Family Support Worker, Lynne Spencer, who works with children and families to support on a variety of needs. 


We have a Behaviour Learning Mentor, Debby Hardy, who works with a range of different children.


We have several "safe spaces" around the school that support children as necessary. Children can go there when they feel they need time out or support.


Relevant staff are trained to support medical needs.


We regularly monitor and reward attendance, taking the necessary actions to prevent prolonged unauthorised absence.


Social Skills and self esteem programmes are provided for small groups or individuals, if required.


Mental health and wellbeing plays a vital role in education and impacts on our children's learning. Here at Rolleston Primary School, we are committed to developing and safeguarding pupils emotional wellbeing and good health. 


All staff are up-to-date in their safeguarding training and comply with the expectations highlighted in the Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020

At Rolleston we are committed to safeguarding our children

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