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School Values / Ethos

Rolleston Vision Statement


We believe that every child at Rolleston should enjoy their education and be happy, successful and confident at school. We will value our children for their individuality, culture and heritage. We are committed to providing a place of excellence with high standards. 


Children will know how to learn as well as acquire knowledge. They will have the opportunity to achieve their full potential in their academic, creative, emotional and social, physical, moral and spiritual development. Learning will be recognised and celebrated by children and adults.


Children will have a great understanding on how to become well rounded members of society and to support well-being and mental health of themselves and others.


The learning experience and environment at Rolleston will be creative, challenging, exciting, stimulating, relevant and forward thinking.


Our school will always be a caring place where children and adults make a valuable contribution and are inspired to be creative, think for themselves and feel confident to meet new challenges.


Our children will respect themselves and others and have an understanding of their role in school and the wider community.


We believe effective partnerships between children, staff, parents, governors and the wider community are central to the success of our children.




At Rolleston, we ensure that we are constantly preparing our children for life in modern Britain by instilling the values of:




Rule of Law




There are regular assemblies based around these values - these values are reinforced through the school week during lessons, circle time and in the playground as part of our character development and they link beautifully with our SMSC offer and Route to Resilience approach.


Through a Values centred character education, the community of Rolleston Primary School aims to:


  • Provide a calm and caring community where all children and adults are valued equally.
  • Raise expectations and secure positive attitudes to learning
  • Achieve a real, measurable and beneficial difference in behaviour and conduct
  • Strive for happiness and a positive, responsible attitude towards school life
  • Ensure pupils and adults are challenged to reach the next step and reach their potential
  • Achieve the highest standards possible in supporting pupils to achieve
  • Encourage pupils to become creative and independent learners, using a variety of learning styles
  • Promote values to pupils in every aspect of school
  • Develop self-confidence and self-discipline
  • Respect and value others
  • Have excellent support and guidance from all staff in partnership with parents and governors
  • Encourage our school community to make healthy choices
  • Have a personal pride in being part of our school and the wider community
  • Staff to model the school and fundamental British Values such as mutual respect and tolerance and the law


For all staff working in the school to:

  • Have high expectations of what each child can achieve.
  • Teach effectively, using a suitable approach, allowing children to learn and understand.
  • Promote values in the way in which adults interact with each other and pupils.
  • Uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour.
  • Look after themselves and each other physically, emotionally and mentally.


For the curriculum to:

  • Teach a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum.
  • Build upon our children's experience of Cultural Capital to prepare them for every aspect of the next phase of their education.
  • Support and improve our children's mental health, resilience and attitude to learning.
  • Teach the National Curriculum to all children at all levels, according to their age and ability.
  • Ensure children are prepared to become responsible citizens.
  • Provide planned opportunities that develop attitudes and skills of pupils.


Expected outcomes:

  • Qualitative improvement in pupils’ behaviour and attitudes.
  • Quantitative improvement in standards and academic achievement.
  • Improved ethos, relationships and pupil behaviour.
  • Improved working conditions for children and staff.
  • A curriculum that develops spirituality and enables children to develop as reflective and responsible learners.

At Rolleston we are committed to safeguarding our children

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