Religion and beliefs inform our values and are reflected in what we say and how we behave. Whilst RE is an important subject in itself, religious education provokes challenging questions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, the nature of reality, issues of right and wrong, and what it means to be human. It can develop pupils’ knowledge and understanding of Christianity, of other principal religions, other religious traditions and world views.
Our aim is to develop each child’s individual knowledge and understanding of the religions and beliefs which form part of contemporary society. The lessons we deliver also contributes to pupils’ personal development and well-being and to community cohesion by promoting mutual respect and tolerance in a diverse society.
As part of Rolleston’s Exploration Zone, we explore a broad variety of cultures, beliefs and develop an understanding of the complexities of the world around us, making links to other subjects such as history and geography. Within our RE lessons, we also use our oracy skills to develop language and our understanding of different faiths. Pupils are able to discuss, with confidence, their views and experiences.
With approximately 22% of pupils with EAL, we are committed as a school, to the inclusion of all pupils and community members. We believe that diversity is a strength, which should be reflected and celebrated by all. We value every individual, identifying the diverse and individual needs of our community members. Our curriculum promotes understanding in relation to the beliefs and religions within our community and beyond.
RE is taught once a week across both KS1 and KS2. Throughout their time at Rolleston, pupils visit a range of religious buildings as well as welcoming different faith visitors into our school. Throughout the year, we celebrate festivals from a range of faiths. We also celebrate Christianity weekly as part of our assemblies. Within lessons, pupils use a range of stimuli, including drama, art and music to gain an in-depth understanding of religion. Artefacts are used regularly to inspire and ignite curiosity amongst pupils.
At Rolleston we use Maestro to support RE planning. It is used from Foundation stage throughout the school up to Year 6. This scheme allows children to engage, develop, innovate and express themselves. In order to ensure that RE is planned correctly, building on the knowledge gained in previous years, the curriculum is monitored carefully with a clear link to skills and knowledge. Progression of skills and knowledge has been broken down into specific year group targets as outlined in the medium term plans. Over the past few years, many resources have been purchased such as books and religious artefacts to support the teaching of RE. These are then incorporated within the planning of RE to develop a greater depth of knowledge and support pupils in their understanding of how artefacts relate specifically to religion.
RE is regularly observed by the RE lead and books are closely monitored, ensuring that all pupils are reaching their full potential. Teachers understand the differing needs of each class and that tasks are therefore clearly differentiated. Pupils are interviewed and asked about their lessons, giving time to reflect on what has worked well. It is clear that pupils have a broad understanding of the different faiths studied and understand how respect and tolerance is important within our community.
Through regular assemblies, pupils are able to celebrate a wide range of festivals and important religious dates such as Rosh Hashannah, Eid and Easter. Each year, pupils build on knowledge already taught and develop their understanding further, working towards reflective opportunities in which they are able to discuss their own faith and beliefs and how they fit in as part of the wider world. Pupils at Rolleston are proud of their different cultures and readily talk about their faith with confidence. Pupils leave Rolleston with a respect for others and a deep understanding of the cultures within our society and beyond.