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Children's Voice

Children's Voice at Rolleston Primary School


We believe effective partnerships between children, staff, parents, governors and the wider community are central to the success of our children and we believe that the children’s voice is a powerful tool in developing the ethos and culture of the school and making change to benefit all stakeholders.


We value the thoughts and opinions of all our children and therefore have a range of Children's Voice groups within our school throughout the year. The children who represent their peers in these groups ensure that the views of the children have a clear forum and in this way they can help to shape the direction of the school.


Rolleston VIPs!


Children's Voice is an integral part of life at Rolleston Primary School and we are committed to listening to the views of pupils and involving them in making decisions. 


Our Rolleston VIPs are going to be working hard to enable the school to improve and they our currently deciding what we would like our first project to be. 

Some of School VIPs looking very smart with their new lanyards and badges!

We had a great session today working on our communication skills by playing School VIP Bingo! It was a great chance to practice asking each other questions and confidently speaking to different people who we might not normally talk to.

Our School VIP project for this term is going to be focussing on Diversity. We watched a short video about how different children experience diversity. We then thought about how diversity looks at Rolleston and in our community and why it is important.

The VIPs went on a training day at Lancaster Academy and Sir Jonathan North Academy. They took part in workshops about how to choose and complete projects, how to be an effective School Council and some team building sessions! They really enjoyed seeing the facilities at the 2 academies and also having the opportunity to work with different school councils.

Visit to The Houses of Parliament

Talking about Children's Mental Health Week

At our meeting we discussed why we are taking part in Children's Mental Health Week at Rolleston and why it is important we can express ourselves.

Questions we have been talking about

Children's Voice quotes about the dinner hall before we had improvments

Children's Voice quotes after the improvements had been made in the Dinner hall

Character Muscles displays linked to our Route 2 Resilience work

At Rolleston we are committed to safeguarding our children

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