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How do we measure progress?

All children are assessed by their class teacher regularly through teaching and learning, in order to celebrate achievement or identify any difficulties they may be having at an early stage. Progress is assessed and recorded each term, and tracked carefully against national expectations and individual progress. More formal assessments take place at different points in the school year and are used to set targets for your child’s progress.


Teachers make on-going assessments for all children lesson by lesson and over a series of lessons. This information informs planning. Children receiving interventions will have their progress tracked throughout the time they are receiving the support.


For children on the SEN register, there will be three reviews over the year. They will be held each term during Parents Evening where you will be offered a longer appointment. This will give you a chance to meet with the class teacher and the SEN Co-ordinator.


Your child’s progress will be discussed (including any interventions they have received). However, at any point during your child’s time at Rolleston, please feel free to ask your child’s class teacher how your child is doing. All children will receive an end of year report that will inform you of your child’s progress throughout the year.


We regularly use staff meetings and phase meetings for moderating work.


Phase Leaders check the progress of children in their key stage each term.

At Rolleston we are committed to safeguarding our children

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