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How we teach PE


At Rolleston Primary School, we believe that physical education, school sport and physical activity are key factors in the all-round physical and emotional development of our pupils (Public Health England 2020).  We want to nurture and inspire pupils to have a healthy life and a lifelong love of being active, through experiencing a broad, balanced, progressive and creative curriculum, where physical activity appears across a wide range of subjects.  Pupils experience cross curriculum lessons linking to Physical Education. In Science, Year 2 look at healthy hearts and Year 6 investigate heart rate. In History, Year 3 look at Egyptians and Egyptian dance.  Year 6 learn to play Tag Rugby and then in dance learn the Haka.  Within English, pupils take part in active grammar games.  In Math’s, active mental starters are used to aid ‘sticky’ learning, incorporate the Character Muscles and prepare pupils for further learning in the lesson. Our curriculum, through high quality teaching, aims to teach children about collaboration, teamwork, resilience, confidence and leadership across all areas of the Physical Education curriculum.  Rolleston also wants to inspire its pupils by learning new skills and trying out new sports, including New Age Kurling, Fencing, Quidditch, Ultimate Frisbee and Boccia.  Our pupils will learn how to swim and skills on how to keep themselves safe in water by using the Swim England School Swimming and Water Safety Awards as a progression for teaching and learning. Pupils will experience competition and festivals against local schools.  After training, Year 6 pupils will lead lunchtime games with younger pupils as Playground Leaders.



Throughout our pupil’s time at Rolleston, our pupils will be taught lessons under the areas of Athletics, Games, Swimming, Dance, Outdoor and Adventurous and Gymnastics.   Our curriculum currently follows the P.E. Passport schemes of work, for all areas except gymnastics. Gymnastics is taught from the Hazel Colton Gymnastics scheme.  Active lessons are also taught throughout the curriculum. For example, lesson starters in Maths and English are frequently taught.  Lessons are taught following the structure of a warm up, skill development, applying the skill and a cool down.  KS1 children will also have Balanceability sessions to develop balance and control.  KS2 pupils will try out new sports including Boccia, New Age Kurling, Tr-Golf, Frisbee Golf and Quidditch.  The school will have an annual Healthy Living Week.  Pupils will learn about a range of different aspects of healthy living.  Outside agencies will support this delivery including Leicestershire Cricket Club and Leicester Riders.  Pupils will try new fruit and vegetables, when they have breakfast as a class.  School provides free fruit for all children in KS1. The school has a policy of healthy snacks at playtimes.  In Foundation, the Physical Development section of Moving and Handling and Health and Self Care are done in termly blocks.  Foundation also have a more ‘formal’ weekly PE session so that child get use to another learning environment as well as developing fine and gross motor skills. 



Lessons are monitored by the PE lead, including those taught by ECT’s.  Feedback from this is given and shared with staff as individuals.  If there are reoccurring themes, then this will be a staff training focus.  Pupil interviews are also carried out on a termly basis.  Where possible staff attend CPD sessions and courses to support the teaching of P.E.  The P.E. lead also works with staff through modelling lessons and through teaching alongside staff.  Children will show a good understanding of healthy eating and living.   Children will achieve age related expectations in P.E.  Our pupils will enjoy sport and will be offered extra-curricular activities both in school and externally. Participation levels in PE will be 100%.

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