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Useful contacts & websites


Contacting Childline:

You can talk to us about anything. No problem is too big or too small.

Call us free on 0800 1111 or get in touch online. However you choose to contact us, you're in control. It’s confidential and you don’t have to give your name if you don’t want to.



Offers some helpful information for parents and carers on a range of issues, such as internet safety, protecting children at home and positive parenting tips.
tel: 0808 800 5000



If you think that bullying is just a part of everyday school life, you're wrong. No-one deserves to be bullied and you shouldn't ignore the problem.


Family Lives

A national charity that works for, and with, parents. It works to offer help and support through an innovative range of free, flexible, responsive services.
tel: 0808 800 2222



Helps all kinds of families to cope with a wide range of issues including poverty, abuse, and homelessness.
tel: 01268 520224



Gives information for parents on a range of ways children can be bullied including cyber bullying and gives advice on keeping children safe online.
tel: 020 7730 3300


Missing Person Helpline

tel: 0500 700 700 (24 hours)


National Drugs Helpline

tel: 0800 77 66 00 (24 hour free advice)


NHS Direct

tel: 0845 4647


Parents against Child Sexual Exploitation (PACE)

Free E learning course for parents and carers on Child Sexual Exploitation aimed at raising awareness, identifying signs and providing advice on what to do if you have concerns. Go to the website at and follow the simple registration process.


Women's Aid Federation

The key national charity working to end domestic violence against women and children. Support a network of over 500 domestic and sexual violence services across the UK.
tel: 08457 023 468


Parents Centre

Information and support for parents on how to help with your child's learning, including advice on choosing a school and finding childcare.



Local Authority Designated Officer (L.A.D.O.)

If you are concerned that someone in a position of trust has harmed a child, or behaved in a way that indicates that they may be unsuitable to be in a position of trust, please contact the LADO to discuss your concerns promptly, before speaking to the person of concern (see contact numbers below).


Our Local Authority has designated a particular officer, or team of officers to be involved in the management and oversight of allegations against people that work with children. 


Their role is to give advice and guidance to employers and voluntary organisations; liaise with the Police and other agencies, and monitor the progress of cases to ensure that they are dealt with as quickly as possible consistent with a thorough and fair process.


Leicester City Council LADO based within the Safeguarding Unit


To make a LADO referral to the Leicester City Council please complete the referral form below and send to the email address below.

We will read the form within 4 hours and respond within 24 hours.

Referral Form

Tel: 0116 454 2440

At Rolleston we are committed to safeguarding our children

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